Time for Creativity

Time for Creativity

This year has been speeding by with various projects that all require some sort of creativity. I always think that one of the pleasures and pressures of working in marketing is the need to be creative regularly. Not to mention, with the change that we have seen and experienced since 2020, there is a real need to think creatively about how to communicate and to grow your business among all of the social and financial challenges that have taken place.


Let’s face it though – it can be hard to demand creativity of yourself at the drop of a hat. The blank page is staring at you, or the demands of day to day business pressures leave little space for thoughts and daydreaming.


However, I have a little acronym for you to prompt you in you in your creativity: STAR!


What does STAR stand for you ask?


🌟 Situation – what environment works best for your ideas? Sitting alone or bouncing ideas off someone else? In your office or in nature? Sometimes I find a new location creates new ideas.

🌟 Time of day – I know when my brain is best at coming up with words and ideas and it makes a huge difference to get to that in the morning. But some people are night owls – so take advantage of when you feel inspired.

🌟 Artform – what’s your chosen way to get your ideas down? Pen and paper or typing on the computer – or even talking into your phone.

🌟 Repeat – give yourself opportunities to be creative on a regular basis. People think that being creative is a just a natural talent but in fact if you leave opportunities for creativity you will find yourself being more creative!


Just remember that creativity still needs to sit with consistency. Being open and curious to new ideas and improvements is good – but changing your whole approach again and again in fast succession is a recipe for disaster – make sure your creativity still fits with your overall strategy and try it for a while. It should be a fun process!


If you need some extra help getting creative, drop me a line! We can chat ideas.

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