Sharpen Your Pencils

The French call it “la rentrée”


We call it back to school.


But I like the French version – because it’s not just about the kids – it’s about a general “getting back into things” after the distractions of Summer.


There’s a “new stationery” feeling to it.

New pencils and notebooks.

A fresh start.


It’s true that this season can have a New Year feeling to it – and it’s a great time to think about how the rest of the year will look.


Now is the time to get your plan together for the rest of 2023 – the Winter holidays will eat a lot of time, and we need to get ahead of that.


September is when I really consider Q4 to be starting, even though I am a month early.

It’s the last big chapter of the year. Last chance to plan out activities and campaigns that hit before 2024.


So today is your friendly reminder to take a look at the weeks ahead, and plot out what you want to achieve in that time.


  • Do you have holiday gifting campaigns you could start to prepare now?
  • Do you have a New Year launch that needs to be set up before January rolls around?
  • Or do you just need to bring forward some activities, or pre-fill your social media calendar so that you can enjoy the Winter season with a little less on your plate?



Wishing you a wonderful rest of your week!

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