Finding my Power & Purpose

Many of you know about the beginnings of my marketing business.
I left my corporate job doing Marketing for Apple to have my baby boy, and then had a long distance move from the UK to Colorado. So much change in just a couple of years.

And then there was the change from employee to entrepreneur…. and I could talk a LOT about that. Running your own business versus being on the payroll. This definitely challenged me in new and unexpected ways.

As I began, people would often ask me “what type of marketing do you do? Is it digital, is it social, is it brochures … what?” Turns out what people think marketing is or can be varies hugely.

And I know that what I bring to the table is strategy, creativity and communication. And whatever tools we use – webpages, social media, articles, straplines, fliers, events, presentations – they have to fit into the creative strategic plan.

Because the tools only matter when they can take you to what you are trying to achieve.
When they empower a small business to focus and achieve the results which make them grow.

This belief has come to be the foundation of my work – empowering small businesses to grow through creative, strategic marketing. Empowering them to express their power and their purpose for success.

I am so clear on this purpose that I’ve decided it’s time for me to rebrand as well – so that my business name truly reflects my offering.

So it’s going to be goodbye to Catherine McHale Strategic Marketing and hello to …

Power & Purpose Marketing

You’ll see me make that changeover over the next few weeks. I also have a couple of great new programs coming specifically for small businesses and I’m excited to share more about those. Watch this space and thank you for your support!

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