Are You Getting Out There?

I am still feeling the glow after a great hybrid workshop on “Social Media for the Anti-Social” last week. That’s hybrid as in – some people online, and a limited number of people in person!


I have been making presentations online for the last year and a bit and I had forgotten how energizing it is to speak to a real life audience. Wow – it was magical. And I know that some of you reading were there, so thank you!


Getting back to presenting in person was just great for me. Also, discovering that this was the most well-attended event the Chamber had ever offered was truly heartening – I am so grateful that people responded to the event and the choice they were given in how to attend.


That made me think about choices…. To be honest. I think we’re all feeling a little strange about the roll out of “normal life” – whatever that means or ends up meaning, which is undoubtedly different things to different people.


After so many months of strong rules and regulations, we’re seeing relaxation of restrictions, but also as businesses we start to have to make decisions that work for us, and consider our customers or contacts. Not everyone is as ready to be “out there” as others.


Here’s what I recommend:


  • Don’t presume that everyone is at the same comfort level – try to think of different ways to engage with people at different levels.


  • This might mean that you have to maintain different communications to make sure you still connect well with everyone, For example – if you have an in-person offering, how can you make it easy for people to receive this online as well? Don’t shut the door on alternatives that may have been the only choice these last months unless you are sure it makes sense.


  • Establish clarity with kindness. Make sure you communicate how you are looking to engage with people during these times, whatever decisions you make.

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