Recharge and Reset

I’ve been reflecting that the usual ‘recharge and reset” possibilities have been very different for us this year.


Small business owners in particular have found it hard to step back from their business, or have been obliged to in a way that they did not anticipate or want.


We need to recharge and reset for a couple of reasons. Most importantly, as humans we need to take the opportunity for downtime through rest and through activities that energize us.


But even within our work we sometimes need to stop striving forwards and take time to review – so that we can then steer our ship forwards strategically. Last weekend I finally had the chance to review my first half of the year and adjust my marketing plan for the coming months. Some goals had been achieved and some…. well, they needed total rewriting,


With my consulting clients and In my Marketing Navigation System program regular review is a core system that we build over the months so that you can;


  • Build systems that work month in and month out
  • Know when and how to change directions in a strategic way to keep growth coming


How are your plans looking for the rest of the year?

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