Back to the Basics

I re-learned a lesson yesterday. (Don’t you love those lessons that repeat themselves?)


Based on a question I had yesterday, I was prompted to write about why my business is called “Power & Purpose Marketing” on social media.


And people really responded to it.


It shows to me that sometimes people want to be reminded of the “why” behind what you do.


Of course I knew this, and I tell people about it – but I was still pleasantly surprised to see how well people responded to it.


Yes. Lesson re-learned. And proved!


For us it seems so basic to go back to the beginning again, but showing your true identity to your community is important – and social media can be a great place to tell this story a little more.


So I have a challenge for you!


Make a post on social media that re-introduces your “why” behind your business this week!


I am betting you’ll see a similar response.


Go do it!!


And let me know how it goes…..


PS – Not seen the post yet? Click here to read it.

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